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Color me stress-free!

Stressing a bit? I know, I know, the end of the semester is rushing toward us and there is too much to get done. Aiieee!!!! Release that nasty stress! There are crayons and coloring pages available near the Circulation Desk … Continue reading

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Veteran’s Day Celebration

In honor of Veteran’s Day, Andersen Library has created a display highlighting the soldiers of the Civil War. The Civil War display was done in coordination with the Roberta Fiskum Art Gallery in the University Center. Another display featuring Library … Continue reading

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World War II Survivor, Kristallnacht

Joseph Koek, survivor of World War II, will share his experiences on Thurs., Nov. 7th, at 5:30pm in Heide 100. At this time attendees will also join the Jewish Student Organization in commemorating the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, UN!

October 24 is United Nations Day because the United Nations was officially established on October 24, 1945 when its charter was ratified. The purpose of the new organization was to maintain peace. You can learn all about the United Nations … Continue reading

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The federal government is in shutdown mode. Does it affect your research? Well, maybe. Some federal agency web sites are down until funding is restored, while others are available but not being updated. The Library of Congress, Census Bureau, National … Continue reading

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Digital Public Library of America

There are lots and lots of institutions providing digitized materials, but who has the time to find them? Well, here’s a one-stop discovery tool! The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) provides free access to the digitized riches of libraries, … Continue reading

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Know the rules of the road!

If you have already earned your driver’s license, you know what you’re doing, right?! Well-l-l-l-l-l, maybe we could all use a refresher once in a while. Who hasn’t seen something another driver is doing that “drives” us crazy? Or scares … Continue reading

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Tornado readiness

It’s peak season (May-August) for occasional tornadoes. Be prepared! Know the difference between a watch and a warning: A Tornado Watch or Severe Weather Watch means a tornado may develop. Be alert and be prepared to take action if the … Continue reading

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Celebrate the birth of jeans May 20th

Did you know that blue jeans were born on May 20, 1873? That’s the day that U.S. patent no. 139,121 for “Improvement in Fastening Pocket-Openings” was granted to Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss, creating work pants reinforced with metal rivets … Continue reading

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T3: Finding Creative Commons Media Resources

Need to find an song or image to use in the classroom or for an assignment? Want to alter an image or reuse it in a new format? UW-Whitewater has policies and resources related to copyright and fair use that … Continue reading

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