Category Archives: campus connection

Raymond A. Winbush @UWW 3/11

Raymond A. Winbush, Director of the Institute for Urban Research, a social science research institute at Morgan State University (MD), will speak on Tuesday, March 11, 2008, at 4pm in Upham 145. His talk on “Challenging African American Males” is … Continue reading

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Daniel N. Nelson @UWW Mar.4

Dr. Daniel N. Nelson, Senior Fellow, Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Washington, DC, will talk on “A New American Foreign Policy?” on March 4, at 4p.m. in Hyer 320. His talk will be followed by discussion. UWW students and … Continue reading

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Invest Now, Relax Later!

6 March 2008 – 4 PM BI Lab (room 2211 in the University Library) Financial markets – they’re like roller coasters – rocketing up, plunging down, leveling out and any variation in between. For those involved, it can be a … Continue reading

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Graphic Novels, Zines, and Comix

“Graphic Novels, Zines and Comix: from Hogarth to Robert Crumb” is the exhibit in the Crossman Gallery (Center for the Arts) from Feb. 21-Mar. 20, 2008. There will also be a lecture by Max Estes on Thurs., Feb. 21, at … Continue reading

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Thinking about study abroad?

If you are looking into study abroad, there are resources in your University Library that can help, providing information about travel, customs and etiquette, social conditions, etc., in other countries. For example, search the Library Catalog for books. A “keyword” … Continue reading

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VOTE! Tues. Feb. 19 Primary

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 is Wisconsin Primary Election Day. For the first time, some UWW students may be voting at the new polling place on campus. Others will vote at the Armory. Where do you vote? See the City’s elections … Continue reading

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Library Helps Reduce Global Warming

You may have noticed something you took for granted before. Custodians used to clean the Library after hours, but now they’re here during the day and evening, tidying up after us. So how do the custodial shift changes help reduce global warming? The University … Continue reading

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Stephen Prothero @UWW Feb. 13

Stephen Prothero, chair of Boston University’s Department of Religion, will speak on Wed., Feb. 13, 2008 at 7 p.m. in the Young Auditorium. More information about the author (and a link to his religious literacy quiz) is available from the … Continue reading

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Michael Novacek @UWW on 2/12 (Darwin Day)

The 10th annual Darwin Day lecture will be given at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12th in the Hamilton Center (in the University Center). Michael Novacek, Senior Vice President and Provost of Science at the American Museum of Natural History, will speak … Continue reading

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Our Natural World lecture series

Each semester UWW faculty/staff provide a lecture series at the Fairhaven Retirement Community’s Fellowship Hall, easily walkable from campus (435 W. Starin Road). Lectures are on Mondays at 3pm, and they are open to the public. The spring series is … Continue reading

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