Category Archives: around the world

Wait, Don’t Destroy Those Ones Yet

As a follow-up to the August 6 post about Cambridge University Press and their libel lawsuit, it turns out that libel does not equal a death sentence for books in question. Yale University Press (YUP) faced a lawsuit from a … Continue reading

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Would You Include Libraries?

The Chronicle of Higher Ed’s The Wired Campus blog featured a post last week about a list of the Top 100 Tools for Learning and how libraries were not included. The question posed to “e-learning experts” was What are your … Continue reading

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Destroy the Books – They’re Full of Lies

The Chronicle of Higher Education reported online today that Cambridge University Press (CUP) has settled a libel lawsuit with Khalid bin Mahfouz, a Saudi banker. Mahfouz cried foul when CUP published Alms for Jihad by Robert O. Collins and J. … Continue reading

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MySpace is Dying? WHAT?!

The last time I checked, the social networking giant was doing pretty well for itself. But according to Lance Ulanoff at PC Magazine, MySpace, Second Life and Twitter were all doomed. He says that MySpace could be the first one … Continue reading

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A Bit of Sunshine on a Rainy Day

You know when it’s pouring cats and dogs and you just want to curl up in bed? Unfortunately, it’s not the weekend and we can’t do that. On the other hand, when you need a little pick-me-up, we here at … Continue reading

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Several countries (U.S., United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands) have cooperated to launch, a global gateway to science information. It will provide searching of national science portals not easily searched using popular commercial … Continue reading

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The Hollywood Librarian Premiere

The documentary about the image of librarians debuted this past week at the American Libraries Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The Hollywood Librarian seeks to shatter misperceptions about the modern career that is librarianship. The trailer for the … Continue reading

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Ah, gotta love your library…gotta dance

Apparently there has been a nationwide “I Love My Library!” video contest, complete with cash prizes. The entries have been posted to YouTube. This little gem was not one of the top five, but you’ve got to feel good watching … Continue reading

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Whitewater Home-Coming 2007

During the 2007 Fourth of July festivities, the City of Whitewater also will celebrate the anniversary of its 1907 Home-Coming. From the celebration website: “In the first week of August, 1906, Whitewater Normal School President Albert Salisbury placed an open … Continue reading

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Google & CIC Join Forces

Back in April, I wrote about the Google Book Project (“Google’s Book Project Keeps On Scanning”) and how the University of Michigan and UW-Madison are participating. Well, the rest of the Big Ten has jumped on the Google bandwagon. The … Continue reading

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