Category Archives: around the world

Cramming for Finals

Everyone is preparing for the end of the semester, whether it be by frantically studying or furiously grading. Both processes involve an intake of one intangible and seemingly unmeasurable thing: information. However, someone has quantified it. The Global Information Industry … Continue reading

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Travel Safely

Plan to drive safely this winter! Look up weather ahead of time (another site one of my colleagues really likes is Check road conditions ahead of time. The Wis. Dept. of Transportation’s 511wi Travel Information web site can provides … Continue reading

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Edward VIII & other rulers

On December 11, 1936, Edward VIII voluntarily abdicated the English throne. And he gave it up for love! In honor of this anniversary I will admit that I enjoy historical fiction & nonfiction about royal families and historical rulers of … Continue reading

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Remembering John

John Lennon was shot to death on December 8, 1980. I always think of Lennon at this time of year, not because this is when he died, but because “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” is one of my favorite songs, … Continue reading

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What’s your temperament?

Ah, tests abound, don’t they? IQ tests, communication style tests, personality tests, and of course all those tests in your classes! Well, here is a “free” personality/temperament test you can take for Friday fun: The Keirsey Temperament SorterĀ®-II Answer a … Continue reading

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The future of being human

What’s to become of us? Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve” by James Owens (National Geographic News, November 24, 2009). The four possibilities it briefly explores: Humans are done evolving Humans are still evolving Transhumanism … Continue reading

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Good reads: Nat’l Book Awards

Looking for some good books to read this weekend, or over the holidays? Check out the National Book Award winners (and the other finalists) for 2009 and earlier years. The mission of the National Book Foundation is to “celebrate the … Continue reading

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Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week, November 15-21, 2009, is upon us and has the theme of exploring the world through mapping. How are you celebrating? If nothing else, “test your geography smarts” online with one of these challenges: GeoBee Challenge (new quiz … Continue reading

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Quasars, Black Holes & Galaxies talk Nov. 20

Dr. Marsha Wolf, UW-Madison Astronomy Dept. research scientist, will talk about “Quasars, Black Holes and Galaxies: Which Came First?” (UWW Physics Dept.’s 4th Fall 2009 Whitewater Observatory Public Lecture) on Fri., Nov. 20, 8pm, 141 Upham Hall. Public viewing at … Continue reading

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The Future of Magazines

I’m a magazine reader… or at least I have more magazine subscriptions than the number of books that I’ve read this year (it’s not a very high number). The pages are glossy, the ads are – for the most part … Continue reading

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