What’s to become of us? Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve” by James Owens (National Geographic News, November 24, 2009). The four possibilities it briefly explores:
- Humans are done evolving
- Humans are still evolving
- Transhumanism awaits (humans improved through science & technology)
- Humans migrate to the stars, and then become affected by new, alien environments in ways we can’t predict
Interested in learning more? Search library catalogs such as HALCat, Andersen Library’s catalog, and article databases. You can find books such as Our posthuman future: Consequences of the biotechnology revolution (3rd-floor Main Collection, TP248.2 .F84 2002) and Ending aging: The rejuvenation breakthroughs that could reverse human aging in our lifetime (available from UW-Milwaukee or UW-Oshkosh via the free Universal Borrowing service). You can find articles such as “Immortality 2.0” (Futurist, 2009, vol.43, no.1, pp. 34-41) and “On market forces and human evolution” (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2007, vol. 247, no. 3, pp. 397-412).
Please ask a librarian for assistance with finding materials.