Category Archives: around the library

Want to try a Kindle?

Have you heard about the new Kindle DX from Amazon but have yet to try it? Maybe you are a little bit curious to see what it would be like to use one… Andersen Library now has an Amazon Kindle … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week – Thursday’s Quiz

In honor of Banned Books Week (9/29-10/2), the Library will be offering a quiz each day Monday through Thursday. The quiz questions are about books that have been challenged or banned in the United States, and each day’s winner will … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week – Wednesday’s Quiz

In honor of Banned Books Week (9/29-10/2), the Library will be offering a quiz each day Monday through Thursday. The quiz questions are about books that have been challenged or banned in the United States, and each day’s winner will … Continue reading

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Banned Books readings, 9/30, 3:00 p.m.

As part of the Library’s commemoration of Banned Books week, we invite you to join us at 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 30, on the Library’s Main Floor to listen to readings from banned or challenged books. A “banned” book is … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week – Tuesday’s Quiz

In honor of Banned Books Week (9/29-10/2), the Library will be offering a quiz each day Monday through Thursday. The quiz questions are about books that have been challenged or banned in the United States, and each day’s winner will … Continue reading

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“Right to Read” lecture, 9/29, 7 p.m.

As part of the Library’s Banned Books Week events, Carin Bringelson will speak on “40+ Years of the Right to Read” at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 29, on the Library’s Main Floor. Ms. Bringelson works for and is the … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week – Monday’s Quiz

In honor of Banned Books Week (9/29-10/2), the Library will be offering a quiz each day Monday through Thursday. The quiz questions are about books that have been challenged or banned in the United States, and each day’s winner will … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week events at the Library!

The 28th annual Banned Books Week is September 28-October 2, 2009. Sponsored by the American Library Association, Banned Books Week celebrates America’s freedom to read. It also serves as a reminder not to take this freedom for granted. To commemorate … Continue reading

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John F. Kennedy & Warren Commission

On Sept. 24, 1964, the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (aka the Warren Commission) delivered its report on John F. Kennedy‘s assassination to President Lyndon B. Johnson. President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX, on November 22, … Continue reading

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New Journal Holdings List

If you want to know if you have access to articles in particular journals, magazines, or newspapers, consult the Journal Holdings List. To look up a title, hover on “Find” on the gray horizontal bar on the Library home page … Continue reading

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