Author Archives: kyle

About kyle

I'm the library guy. No, seriously, I'm the only male reference & instruction librarian. I also have the pleasure of serving several campus committees, the Academic Staff Assembly and the Chancellor's Task Force on LGBT Issues, among others.

Snowflakes at the Library

I’m not sure how everyone feels about the ridiculous amount of frozen precipitation that we’ve gotten already this winter, but did you see the size of the snowflakes falling down last night? They were HUGE. Conveniently enough, we also had … Continue reading

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Community Borrower Cards

A piece of business before we get to the fun for Friday. The Library has changed the prices of the Community Borrowers effective January 1, 2008. The price has increased to $10 for one year or $25 for three years. … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 8

Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames by Mia Consalvo GV1469.34 .C67 C66 2007 New Book Island, 2nd floor When you see the word cheating on a book in an academic library, you probably think of crib sheets, secret signals during exams, … Continue reading

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What a Beaut!

It’s Friday! Time for fun and procrastination! Check out Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries for a journey around the world of amazing places with lots of books. Some people may argue that librarians would be the only … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – January 1

Tools for Radical Democracy: How to Organize for Power in Your Community by Joan Minieri & Paul Getsos HM766 .M56 2007 New Book Island, 2nd floor It’s now 2008, and I’m sure that we also have resolutions for the year … Continue reading

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Matt, I’ve Got Another Excuse

Whitewater’s very own Matt Scott is featured in a Nike commercial set to air next week. He’s an excellent representative of the University and of wheelchair athletics. In case you haven’t seen the commercial, check it out below. [youtube][/youtube] Matt, … Continue reading

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B-log Break

As everyone takes a break from classes to enjoy the holidays and the impending new year, the blog’s going to take a mini-break as well. To keep you tied over until we start posting again next week, feel free to … Continue reading

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Where to Invest in 2008

When people think of the library, they don’t necessarily think to turn to us for investment advice. While we wouldn’t advise anyone on where to put their money, we can point you to credible and respectable sources for that sort … Continue reading

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Journey to Planet Earth

Global warming has been making headlines for a while now and has become a major issue on the radar of the world’s citizens. Believe or not, there are other global threats with which we should concern ourselves – like urban … Continue reading

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Go Elf Yourself

No, seriously – turn yourself or a friend into a dancing elf. OfficeMax started the promotional website to obviously cause millions of people to waste time either creating or admiring others’ work of the elfamorphosis. Since it’s Friday, I thought … Continue reading

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