Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

Deck the Library Trees

There are two special trees in the Library (near the Circulation Desk, Food for Thought Cafe, & entrance/exit doors): The Library Wishing Tree Are there videos, video games, CDs, books, graphic novels, etc., that you wish the Library would consider … Continue reading

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What’s your temperament?

Ah, tests abound, don’t they? IQ tests, communication style tests, personality tests, and of course all those tests in your classes! Well, here is a “free” personality/temperament test you can take for Friday fun: The Keirsey Temperament SorterĀ®-II Answer a … Continue reading

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The future of being human

What’s to become of us? Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve” by James Owens (National Geographic News, November 24, 2009). The four possibilities it briefly explores: Humans are done evolving Humans are still evolving Transhumanism … Continue reading

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Chris Abani talk Mon. 11/30

Chris Abani will speak on “Inspirations for Song for Night and Other Writings” as part of the Contemporary Issues Lecture Series/Campus & Community Reading Initiative @7pm on Mon., Nov. 30, in the Irvin L. Young Auditorium. Chris Abani has gone … Continue reading

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Celebrate faculty/staff works

Celebrate the scholarship & creative achievements of UWW faculty and staff at the 22nd annual reception and exhibit in the Crossman Gallery (Greenhill Center of the Arts)! The exhibit is open on Tuesday, Nov. 24. The reception takes place on … Continue reading

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Reference Collection check-outs

Titles in the Reference Collection may be checked out for 1 day. They are due by closing time the next day, e.g,. a title checked out at 7:30pm on Thursday would be due by 6pm on Friday. If they are … Continue reading

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Library Thanksgiving Hours

It’s almost Thanksgiving, which means the Library will have special holiday hours: Wed., Nov. 25: 7:30am-5pm Thurs.-Sat., Nov. 26-28: CLOSED Sun., Nov. 29: 3pm-midnight (Please note: The Library is closed on Friday, Nov. 27, as one of four designated campus-wide … Continue reading

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Good reads: Nat’l Book Awards

Looking for some good books to read this weekend, or over the holidays? Check out the National Book Award winners (and the other finalists) for 2009 and earlier years. The mission of the National Book Foundation is to “celebrate the … Continue reading

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Geography Awareness Week

Geography Awareness Week, November 15-21, 2009, is upon us and has the theme of exploring the world through mapping. How are you celebrating? If nothing else, “test your geography smarts” online with one of these challenges: GeoBee Challenge (new quiz … Continue reading

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Quasars, Black Holes & Galaxies talk Nov. 20

Dr. Marsha Wolf, UW-Madison Astronomy Dept. research scientist, will talk about “Quasars, Black Holes and Galaxies: Which Came First?” (UWW Physics Dept.’s 4th Fall 2009 Whitewater Observatory Public Lecture) on Fri., Nov. 20, 8pm, 141 Upham Hall. Public viewing at … Continue reading

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