Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

Library Hours Aug 14-Sept 1

School’s out (for the summer)! Andersen Library’s hours from Aug. 14 through Sept. 1 are 8 am-4:30 pm Monday-Friday only (closed on Saturday & Sunday). The Library is closed on Friday Aug. 20th for a state-mandated furlough. Fall semester Library … Continue reading

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Dr. Who & the Library

OK, Library lovers, here’s some Friday fun: A video inspired by Dr. Who and dedicated to the love of libraries. And if you’re into the BBC’s Dr. Who series, Andersen Library has videos for you! Check out the 2nd-floor Browsing … Continue reading

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Education & Dementia

According to ScienceDaily’s article “Why More Education Lowers Dementia Risk,” “studies on dementia have consistently showed that the more time you spend in education, the lower your risk of dementia. For each additional year of education there is an 11% … Continue reading

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Universal Borrowing (UB) down

The Universal Borrowing (UB) service, which allows UWW students and staff to borrow materials from other UW libraries, will be down starting on Monday, July 26th. The service will likely resume on Monday, August 16th. All System libraries will be … Continue reading

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Local author’s book signing

Whitewater author Dr. Suzanne Popke will give a book reading and signing on Sunday, July 25, at 2pm (location: 143 W. Main St., Whitewater, Office of Wisconsin Community Mental Health Counseling Center & Deeper Insight Art Gallery). Birth of a … Continue reading

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“Monkey” trial anniversary

Heard of the Scopes “Monkey” trial (aka The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes)? On July 21, 1925 schoolteacher John T. Scopes was found guilty of violating Tennessee’s Anti-Evolution Act, which outlawed teaching evolution in public schools. The verdict was set … Continue reading

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Notable Government Documents 2009

Every year the best government publications (federal, state and international) are honored in Library Journal as the “notable government documents” of that year, and the 2009 list reflects the variety of topics on which the government publishes each year–history, government … Continue reading

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Recent potpourri of U.S. documents

People usually think publications from the U.S. Government are boring and unattractive. Not so (not always, anyway)! Here are some recent arrivals you might find very informative and possibly even enjoyable. All are available in Andersen Library’s 2nd-floor U.S. Documents … Continue reading

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No More BadgerCat

The UW System access to BadgerCat has ended as of June 30, 2010. Please use WorldCat instead to see what other libraries around the state, the country, and the world have titles of interest. WISCAT also shows academic and public … Continue reading

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Library 4th of July hours

Andersen Library is closed Sat.-Mon. July 3-5 for the Fourth of July holiday. Regular summer hours resume on Tuesday July 6th (7am-9pm). July 4th events are listed on Whitewater’s 4th of July Family Festival web site. There’s quite a variety, … Continue reading

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