Résumé help

OK, I know you’re all busy preparing for exams and finishing papers…but if you also are looking for work you may need to prepare a stunning & effective résumé.

Your University Library has some material that may help:
Search the Library Catalog for the keyword phrase “resumes employment” and you will get a list of titles that will give you advice on how to write résumés (some titles about cover letters and employment interviews also appear on the list).

Gallery of Best Resumes cover
Best Resumes coverMany of the recent titles are online as part of “NetLibrary”, e.g., Gallery of best résuḿes and Best résumés for college students and new grads. Click on a title and then on the “Linked Resources: Available through NetLibrary” link in the catalog record.

UWW Career Services provides résumé help, including online examples of different types of résumés and an online presentation on résumé basics. The staff at Career Services also review résumés for UWW students.

Good luck!

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.
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