Follow in the steps of Mahatma Gandi by reading his “spiritual dictionary,” The Bhagavad Gita. The Gita is not new, it was composed in about 200 BCE, but our newly acquired MP3 CD is. Actor and voice-over artist Sagar Arya will transport you through this 700-verse dialogic poem, which is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, the cornerstone of Hinduism. Don’t worry if you don’t read or understand the original Sanskrit, this translation by Swami Swarupanandais is in English.
This recording is perfect for the holidays…back and forth from a loved one’s home and you’ll be done (2 hours 48 minutes). While the audiobook can only be checked out for 28 days, just renew it online once and you can have it through the first few weeks of spring semester.
You can play the MP3 CD in most CD drives/players or follow the provided instructions for uploading the file into an MP3 player or other device.
The Bhavad Gita
written by Anonymous
translated by Swami Swarupanandais
read by Sagar Arya
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
BL1138.62 .E5 2019