by Grant M. Mc Ilrath – The Meerkat Man
QL737 .C235 M38 2016
Browsing Books, 2nd floor
Meerkats look as cuddly as kittens. But as it turns out, they make lousy pets. These highly social (and noisy) creatures are in the mongoose family and are native to southern Africa. They live in colonies and burrow incessantly, so they are not at all suitable for domestication.
Mc Ilrath is a nature conservation biologist who has studied these little carnivores for decades. Through his Meerkat Magic Conservation Project he offers meerkat tourism opportunities in his native South Africa. In addition to satisfying your curiosity about these elusive creatures, this book offers a feast of colorful photos, so you can enjoy their company without going on safari.
Armchair travel! Perfect for the cold days ahead. Thank you.