If you ever listen to the news, even accidentally, odds are you’ve heard someone talking about the economy. You’ll hear words like inflation and GDP and monetary policy, but if you’re not studying business or economics it might all sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. This semester during Money Mondays we’ll discuss some of the major economic concepts, including those mentioned above. Understanding these concepts can help you make more informed decisions about how you spend your money, how you vote, and more.
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has helpful resources related to many of the topics we’ll cover, and everything is freely available to you, even after you leave school!
- FRASER: The Federal Reserve Archive, known as FRASER, is a great place to find historical information about the economy. You can access data back to the 1800’s, speeches from individuals like Paul Volcker (as in the Volcker Rule), and much more.
- FRED: FRED is home to the Federal Reserve’s economic data. It contains 224,000 US and international time series, including data on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the unemployment rate.
- Econ Lowdown: Econ Lowdown contains educational resources related to economics topics. Listen to podcasts or watch videos that explain how economic concepts impact your everyday life.
- Research Resources: If you think you already know the basics of economics, you might want to check out some of the Federal Reserve’s publications, including the Regional Economist and Economic Synopses. You can also read articles and working papers from professors and other scholars at RePEc.org’s IDEAS site.
Want this information on your phone or tablet? Download the mobile apps!
- FRED App
- Econ Ed App
- EconWise (for iPad only)
Also, check out some of these resources available at Andersen Library: