Category Archives: it’s happening here!

Breaking Barriers

Are you struggling with issues of gender identity and / or sexual orientation? Want some support? We’ve got the group for you. Breaking Barriers, facilitated by Jackie Shroeder and Hilliary Hanson, Counseling Education practicum counselors, will be held on Mondays … Continue reading

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Call for Proposals – Second Annual Midwest Culturally Inclusive Conference

The Midwest Culturally Inclusive Conference, set to begin on Friday, Sept. 7, is a regional event focused on strengthening diversity throughout the Midwest and working collaboratively towards resolving issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion. We are pleased to announce … Continue reading

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Academic Planner Position at UW System

From Alicia Boll at UW System: UW System Administration is pleased to announce the open position of Academic Planner for Student Affairs. This full-time Academic Staff position will develop, manage and maintain policies and programs in the area of student … Continue reading

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Safe Zone Made the News!

The task force’s Safe Zone training was featured on the UWW-TV news on 22 March, right before Spring Break. It’s pretty cool – see for yourself! [youtube][/youtube] [The segment starts at the 4:15 mark]

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Need A Course or Two for Fall?

Here’s a few special-topic courses that may be of interest to students: SOC496/ASIANST488 Gender and Family in Japan This course will examine the historical constructions of gender, sexuality, and family in Japan since the 17th Century, and forms of masculinity, … Continue reading

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