Addams Family II

Over the Halloween weekend, I went to the movie theater to see The Adams Family II. The night before I took it upon myself to watch the first one again so I went into the movie with a fresh mind and understanding of the plot. The first one gave the storyline of the family trying to find a home for their different, creepy, gruesome, family. In the first movie, it skips ahead to after having their two kids. They are both now teenagers and the boy is getting ready to transition to manhood so the parents invite the whole ‘Addams Family’ over to their new house. Meanwhile, the neighborhood realtor, or as I would call her, the neighborhood Karen. She thinks the Addams family is weird and out of place, she invites herself over to their place and wants to redo their whole house. While she does home makeovers, she’s secretly been planting cameras in the community’s personal homes to watch them and get her way. In the end, the Addams family puts her in her place in their own dynamic and unique creepy way. In The Addams Family II, Wednesday, their daughter is thought to possibly not be biologically an Addam. A scientist sees her at the school science fair and recognizes her magnificent scientific abilities. The scientist sets a lawyer out to see if she could his long-lost daughter. The family is set on vacation around the United States right after the parents find out this information, but they don’t think twice about it because they think Wednesday is playing a prank on them. On the low, Wednesday had nothing to do with it and overheard the conversation. In her own sassy and scientific way, she throws a tantrum the whole time on the trip while this lawyer is trying to find and capture Wednesday to get a DNA test. You’ll have to watch the movie to find out the rest, I wouldn’t want to spoil it. Although this movie series is a classic, I do think the first movie is the best. The second one seemed to drift from the ‘Addams family’ theme they had in the first movie and switched to a more predictable plot. I for sure still recommend this movie, it’s great. 

6 Replies to “Addams Family II”

  1. While I have not seen either Addams family movies, they sound very interesting and may be a title I look into watching one of these times when I can’t find anything to watch.

  2. I actually have never watched the original Adams Family, and I cannot believe it myself. From the previews of the second movie and your review makes me want to watch the first one so I can better understand the second one. It looks cute and funny.

  3. I saw the first Addams family, but not the second film. I too would have to watch the first one to catch up on everything.

  4. I have not seen any of the Addams family movies, but I am now interested. That realitor does sure sound like a Karen, but a bit more creepy.

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