Garden Invitations

Welcome back everyone.

Today I will be talking about the garden invitations that go with our garden wedding theme this week.

I am excited to say that there is more consistence throughout the garden theme with this invitations.

I will be looking at this first invitation because it popped out at be when I was doing my research on this topic. The image below is the one that popped out at me. Almost all of the garden invitations have flowers and the colors of peachy, natural and green. However, this one popped out to me because it showed a different kind of paper. This is proving that the little details, like paper really do count.

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Here is an image below to show you what I am saying? Which invitations pops out at you? (Leave your answer and reasonings in the comment section, please.)

Invitations for Gardan theme

Now with this same image above, I am going to point out some aspects in the other innovations that I find appealing.  For the top left invitation I really enjoyed the design piece of adding a gold shimming color throughout it. For the next invitation on the top right hand corner, I like how the design of the flowers is acting as a boarder to the text but it isn’t over powering. The next invitation is the right hand corner second row, this one is keeping consistence through the three different invitations and the envelopes as well. The last two I like how they are incorporating ribbon into there designs. This gives the invitation something to connect with and it is now more interactive for the guests who are receiving them.

Thanks for reading this weeks garden themed invitations.

Can’t want to hear your comments on this invitation theme.

Stay tuned next week for a old time theme.

Garden Theme Wedding

Hello Again everyone!

I hope you have been enjoying my posts so far! This week I am posting early, but you still can enjoy these posts over the weekend.

For this weeks theme I wanted to focus on a trend that is happening now. This trend is natural and organic items in peoples lives to help them live better and help them be more health. Surprisingly, this theme can be transferred over to the wedding trending themes.

This theme is natural looking just by the colors that could be used. For example in the image below they have chose two different shades of nude and then a green natural tree looking color. This is really good for an outdoors wedding because it looks like it is in it’s natural habitat. This isn’t a bold theme like some of the previous themes were, this is a more toned down piece from the tropical wedding theme. In this theme I feel that they did a great job with keeping everything consitant. The flowers are in every piece of this wedding, from the bride mates, to the flowers, isle that is being walked down, center pieces, cake, and all the little details throughout the wedding space.

Gardan Theme Board

The next garden wedding theme board that I am going to talk about is pictured below. This has the same accept of the flowers with just a small difference in the colors that were used in this piece. For their walking down the isle however, they had a cloth with I think is a lot more practical then flowers on the grass ground. This is because with a dress and flowers on the ground the people walking would move the flowers around and drag the flowers with them which wouldn’t make it look designed anymore.

Garden Theme Board 2

Thank you for reading this weeks wedding theme! Stay tuned for the invitations of the garden theme which are coming soon.

I can’t wait to hear back from you and what you guys think about this theme.

Have a great week everyone.

Rose Gold Invitations!

Hello again everyone!

If you are a different bride or just looking to make your wedding not like the norm then pay attention today!

Today I will be talking about rose gold invitations and what is so different about them compared to the generic template of an invitation.

When people use rose gold in their wedding they are thinking sparkly and clique. This is something that is different and something that is also unique. This invitation below gives the impression of something simple since there is no glitter but inside a shiny look on this invitation. The decorations and the type have these characteristics, which helps tie everything together and make it look cohesive throughout. This is so simple but says something about the bride and her style.

Invitation #1

This next invitation that is below is a save the date. Although this invitation is like the one above, there are some different characteristics in this one. The text in this has more style then the one above, which I love because that is just the touch this invitation needed to be more different then all the others.

Invitation #2

This next invitation has more details to it, having the ribbon and the envelopes for this really help tie everything together. It also makes it easier for the guests to keep everything in one spot without losing everything. This also just adds a personal touch that a lot of invitations do not have. The last thing I like about this invitation is that the bow is already done and the guests can take it off without ruining it and not being able to get it off.

Invitation #3

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about rose gold invitations!

Please post any questions or comments you have.

Have a great rest of your weekend and stay tuned for next weeks theme and invitations to go along with it!


Rose Gold Wedding Theme!

Welcome to my third week of blogging about weddings! I hope you have enjoyed everything so far.

This week the theme of wedding is based on a trending color right now, rose gold!

I have two different pallets that have the rose gold in them and then some different side touches to make it unique to the bride.

The first image below is a more traditional bride with rose gold incorporated into her wedding. It isn’t the main focus necessarily but I feel that it adds a touch of personality to this wedding. The rose gold color really works well with this color pallet, it isn’t too overpowering and in this case it acts as a little sparkle of color. Since the color rose gold is so close to the other colors I think that that sparkle really helps bring out that rose tone to it. This bride didn’t go over board with the color either though so that helps for the eye to not just see glitter and sparkles everywhere.

Rose gold pallete number 2

The next image that is below is a pallet that isn’t so natural l then the first image. Yes, the browns are natural looking but there is the rose gold again with a hint of sparkle and in this pallet there is a dominant bold color, which is that deep red color. That bold color red really helps everything to balance throughout the wedding. Everything isn’t sparkle but everything also isn’t color everywhere. The fact that there is a bolder deep red color in this pallet is the reason that having a fill sparkly table cover isn’t a big deal.

Rose gold pallete

I hope this change up of taking about a colored themed wedding helps open up your eyes a bit to what the possibilities are for your wedding.

Let me know if you enjoyed this post and what your thoughts on this post are.

Have a great rest of your week and stay tuned this weekend for invitations that relate to rose gold!

Tropical Invitations!

Hello again everyone, hope you liked my posting about the theme tropically weddings!

It is now time to look into invitations for this tropical style wedding. I will look at these invitations from a designer perspective and a future bride perspective.

Below is the first invitation that is on this blog that I will give my perspective on. This invitations color is definitely leading towards the more safe side but still shows the personality and character that you want guests to see before the actual wedding. This one has a lot more color then last week’s rustic country invitations. However, on this tropical invitation it maybe a little hard for people to read that light colored text. A different harder paper could help with this; otherwise a little bit darker text color on this paper would make it easier for guests to read. I do like the consistence of flowers in these invitations and to differentiate between the two, they put a board around one and not the other. This is nice to keep to guests organized with what invitation goes with that other information’s for the same wedding.

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This next invitation that is pictured below is for the same theme of wedding, tropical but that invitation is very different then most invitations. First thing I noticed was that this invitation wasn’t on paper, which can be risky because you don’t know if the writing is going to stay on the leaf or smudge all over so it isn’t even readable when it arrives to your guests doorstep. Since it didn’t smudge the next thing I noticed was that it was handwritten out which means for every single guest, the hand wrote these invitations. This gives it real personality, this whole invitation is screaming personality, which I love and believe that is the best thing you can do to get your invitations to be kept by your guests.

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Thanks for reading up on this week’s themed invitation!

For you have any requests or you would like to comment on what I have wrote so far, please do so!

Have a great rest of your weekend and stay tuned for next week’s theme and invitation.

Tropical Wedding Theme

Hello again everyone!

I hope you had a great week, now it’s time to take a little vacation with our next theme!

This week’s theme is tropical. The reason that I picked this theme was because it is an up and coming trend for 2017 and I just wanted to give all of the non-traditional brides something to read about.

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I would first like to talk about the colors that surround this theme, in the picture below. These colors seem to be a little darker magenta, a dark green and a darker tan. Even though there are lots of colors to choose from to make your wedding, your wedding, I believe that these colors are a reason for the popular trend. These colors complement each other but still keep that attention on the bride and aren’t super bold bright colors.

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Tropical is a very unique theme because of the decorations that can go with it. Just in this sample of the theme, the few pictures that have decorations include an old time big umbrella, a head piece for the bride, the flowers as a center piece and accent piece all around the reception set up. These items with the same colors really help with consistence and the eye flow of your guests. It is something that the guest will look at but not to the point was they spend no time paying attention to the bride or the groom.

This theme is something that people really haven’t seen before and this just shows that even if you don’t have enough money to spend on a wedding. A few colored flowers and some matching palm leaves will give you something inexpensive but unforgettable.

I want to challenge all the brides reading this to try to be the different bride. You don’t always have to follow the wedding rules! If you want people to be talking about your wedding years from now then do a theme like this.

Thank you for reading about this week’s theme! Stay tuned because later this week I will post about tropical wedding invitations.

Country Wedding Invitations

Hello again everyone, hope you liked my first posting earlier this week!

It is now time to look into invitations for country style weddings. I will look at these invitations from a designer perspective and a future bride perspective.

Below is the first invitation that is on this blog that I will give my perspective on. This invitations color is definitely leading towards the rustic style because of the different shades of brown in the background of the printed paper. I would have some different colors in this invitation because right now nothing there isn’t any hierarchy. This would help for guests to know where the location or what times the different event was. However, I do really like the add-on that the invitations has from under the printing page, those include the ribbons that are added to the top paper. This adds more character and personality to the invitations for guests to enjoy. The set of three invitations here is consistent throughout the different types of forms for there wedding. This will help guest keep track of what invitations goes with what form for the reception. Trust me, when your guests have five weddings in one year they will thank you for keeping everything together and consistent throughout. I would say something that would help is to have an accent color added on these invitations. It could be a color that is your main wedding color or some kind of color that describes you and your fiancé. This invitation could have more personality and creativeness so that the guest will want to keep it and not just throw it in the trash when your wedding is done with. Doing this is just being more different then a plain piece of paper. You could make it 3-D by just folding the invitation differently with the same amount of paper that you could have used for just a paper over paper invitation.

Country themed Invitations

Thank you for reading this post. Stay tune for next week’s theme and invitation!

This Week’s Theme is Country!

Personally, I love country anything. Therefore, for my wedding will have a ton of country themed decorations and such. Since I love country and my to be husband loves rock, it took some confusing for this to be the theme of our wedding. However, in the end I did convince him that country was the way to go since I love it and he loves woodworking. Now some of you maybe think what the heck does woodworking have to do with country? Well a lot of signs and decorations are actually made out of wood to give it the rustic look. For example, below are some different examples of wood sign that was made for someone’s special day.

Wood signs for country theme

Wood looks great with signs but there are so many other ways to incorporate wood into your country themed wedding day. Below is an example of how wood could be used for other purposes during a country wedding. In this case they are using this wood buckets to hold different kinds of potato chips. If I were to have these at my wedding, I would fill up the buckets with different flavors of popcorn.

Wood Buckets

Even though there are a lot of aspects to a wedding, it this case for a country wedding you can get it by using rustic things and wood. Lots of both of these will get your county theme across to your guests. I believe that this is a growing theme for weddings now days. However, every bride and bride party can make it his or her own kind of country theme. For example I am planning to do a country wedding but for my fiancé I am going to be putting some touches of rock and roll into the theme. I will be doing this by the music that is being played, which will include country and rock. I will also make the decorations to have a darker side, inside of a bright white color. This is just me though so remember that you make your day what you want it to be!

Thank you for reading about this weeks wedding theme!

Please feel free to add comments, photos and to discuss this country-wedding theme! I would love to hear all of your thoughts of this post and what you would like to see for future posts!

Stay tuned for a post later this wedding relating to the country weddings!