The Whitewater Student Government, also known as WSG, is an organization found at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. WSG is open for any UW-W student to join. You can follow them on Instagram @uwwwsg

Below is an interview with Speaker of the Senate, Davin Stravopolos.

What is the main purpose of your organization?

“Whitewater Student Government exists by state law to be the students representation in university governance. Basically, we work with the faculty and the chancellor’s cabinet in the decision making about the university!”

How often does your organization meet? What are your meetings like or about?

“WSG meets once a week, every Monday at 7 pm. Our meetings are business casual, and follow strict Parliamentary procedures. We discuss a wide range of different topics that vary from week to week, including commencement, excused absence policies, and university budget. We also have an office in the WCC (located in Career & Leadership development), which usually has a member staffing it at all business hours throughout the week.”

What are the benefits of your organization?

“There are a lot of benefits to our organization, both for our members, and for every student! Our members gain leadership skills, administrative experience, and enjoy incredible networking opportunities. The student body is benefitted by us because we fight for them every day, just this last year we negotiated a deal on a Satisfactory/No Credit grading scare to deal with Covid-19”

What made you join your organization?

“I joined WSG purely by coincidence. My friend was interested in joining and I went with her, next thing I knew, I was in an appointment hearing. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, because it took me out of my comfort zone, led me to greek life, and helped me grow as a student!”