WebEx Video Conferencing

WebEx is an online web conferencing tool that allows you to meet with colleagues or classmates anywhere in the world using your internet connection and web browser. With WebEx, you can host virtual meetings online using audio and video, share presentations and files, chat (IM) with others, and conduct online presentations using screen sharing.
WebEx is available to all faculty and students here at UW-Whitewater.

Staff/Faculty can create and host WebEx meetings using uww.webex.com. Students can create and host meetings using uwwstudents.webex.com. Both websites can be accessed using the users NetID and password. If there is a guest that would like to access the meeting, they can join using a meeting link and meeting password that is generated when the meeting is created.

For more information and training on WebEx, please visit the WebEx Meeting Center documentation.

For WebEx support, please contact the TSC Helpdesk and/or visit this support site.