Whether you are new to the topic of ePortfolio or an advanced user, please join your colleagues for a one day event focusing on the use of the D2L ePortfolio (eP)! All UW-System faculty and instructional support staff are invited to attend an eP showcase to be held at UW-Madison’s Union South where faculty and staff will share their experiences and best practices in leveraging the D2L ePortfolio tool.
The keynote speaker for this event, Dr. Trent Batson, Executive Director of AAEEBL, will discuss “Deep Learning and ePortfolios.” Also joining the showcase is Angus Chan, the Director of D2L’s eP and Learning Object Repository development group. Angus will discuss D2L ePortfolio 4.0 new features, and he will also lead a “listening session” with attendees to learn about suggested changes and enhancements to eP that UW System users would like to request.
The program will also include subject-matter roundtables and panel sessions on various eP implementation topics. The Showcase will provide excellent networking, sharing, and collaborative opportunities to engage with members of the University of Wisconsin D2L eP community.
Please visit the following page to learn more about the showcase presenters and topics: http://geturl.uww.edu/1e1
Space is limited. To secure a spot for the event, please register prior to June 8, 2012, at http://geturl.uww.edu/1e0
Please contact the LTC (ltc@uww.edu) if you have questions about the eP Showcase!