When going to the gym, you may find yourself losing motivation at times. You may be on a routine of going a certain amount of times per week, but feel you aren’t seeing much progress and want to quit. Everyone has their own reasons for going to the gym. This may be weight loss, muscle gain, stress release, and more, but it’s important to keep your goal in mind and remember why you started going in the first place. A great way to keep yourself from losing motivation in the gym is to always make what you’re doing fun and different in some ways. Exercising doesn’t have to be boring and there are plenty of ways you can stay active and change up your routine, while still maintaining your goals. I think that having off days is extremely important, but cutting out physical activity entirely from your day can end up making you not want to stick to it more and more. Doing things daily like going for a walk when the weather is nice, and taking stairs instead of the elevator. Although these aren’t intense workouts you would always find yourself doing at the gym, they are still ways to make sure you’re getting some sort of activity in, even while having an “off day.” A great way to make working out fun is making sure to reward yourself. You could set big or small goals for yourself, and whenever you achieve them, reward yourself. It can be easy to lose motivation if you aren’t seeing results immediately, but even taking the first mental step of wanting to better yourself is big.

3 thoughts on “Motivation in the Gym”

  1. I am someone who can struggle with forming a routine and going to the gym. I always enjoy when I do and feel good afterwards, but struggle with the initial motivation to go. I do not have any set goals, and I think setting physical goals would help me to stay on track more. I just do not want my want to workout to no longer be enjoyable and only these goals to be on my mind, I suppose. I am still working to figure out my fitness journey and what works best for me!

  2. Getting to a routine with the gym is my biggest struggle. Especially this semester for me the routine I started with I dropped off when my classwork picked up. I think setting up smaller goals will be a good motivation for me to stick to a routine.

  3. I always tend to start a workout routine but losing interest quickly. I can go strong for the first three weeks but then slowly stop which then leads me not to workout for a long time. This summer I am going to get a gym membership and create a manageable routine that will work for me that I will not give up on.

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