Mental health is something that can really take over your body. Finding ways to cope can be hard and stressful, not knowing what the right ways are for you. When I find myself in these positions, whether it’s due to school, work, or anything, I like to meditate. There are people who love meditating while facing anxiety and depression, and there are people where meditation isn’t for them. Something that I love doing is focusing on my breathing – breathing in for four seconds, out for four seconds, then holding. I find this often slows my heart rate down when it’s beating fast from anxiety. Another form of meditation is called movement meditation. This can be taking a walk, gardening, or anything to get moving while doing something you enjoy. The last form of mediation I will be talking about is visualization meditation. This is where you use all five senses and imagine a vivid scene. This helps with boosting your mood, reducing stress levels, and promoting inner peace. There are so many benefits of meditation including increasing self-awareness, reducing negative emotions, increasing patience and tolerance, and building skills to manage your stress. While we are currently on break, it’s a good time to take this time to relax and work on finding new ways to destress, maybe even trying out meditation. 

5 thoughts on “Forms of Meditation”

  1. I love the idea of the moving mediation! I’ve tried the traditional versions in the past but often find myself struggling to focus having to sit still for so long. This is something I am certainly going to give a try now!

  2. I have never been able to get into meditation personally. I have always heard great things from my friends who practice and they have encouraged me to give it a try to destress and find a better focus. Movement meditation is something I’ve never heard of, but I would definitely be willing to try.

  3. Meditation is something that I have actually been learning about a lot recently. I have been surprised by seeing people talk about the benefits of it. I definitely will look up more info regarding this.

  4. I’m so glad you posted this, because I’m always interested in learning more about mindfulness, and meditation is something I’ve always wanted to learn more about. I had no idea that there were multiple kinds of mediation, and they sound really interesting! One of my friends gifted me a meditation journal, which I guess is normally used with the traditional method, but after learning about the visualization meditation method I might be able to use it in that. I’m excited to get to use it now! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I am someone who struggles to stay focused and disciplined during meditation. I typically choose to leave this health step out and say that it isn’t for me. I like that you suggested very easy forms of meditation. I feel like I always consider meditation to be a huge time consuming task that I need to commit to, when it can be a simple and focusing on my breathing!

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