The Importance of Drinking Water

We all pretty much need to start our day with a cup of coffee to get us through the day. However, after that cup of joe, we need to make sure we are taking in the right amount of ounces of water.The Mayo Clinic suggests that women should intake 11.5 cups, or 92 ounces, of fluid. It is the standard recommendation for all women, but many factors go into how much fluid you should have in a day. The chart below is fluid intake based on weight and exercise. For every 30 minutes of exercise, you should add on 12 ounces of fluid. 

Now, when I say fluids, I mean pretty much any liquid. It means drinks like juice, soda, coffee, and smoothies all count toward your daily intake. However, water is going to be your cheapest and most beneficial fluid.

The Benefits of Drinking Water

Although your body is already 50% – 70% water, throughout the day your body exerts water through exhales, urine, and sweat. Drinking water helps get rid of toxins in our body, lubricates our joints, and keeps our temperatures normal. Some of the other benefits of drinking water include:

  • Stabilizes blood pressure and heartbeat
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Lowers risk for heart disease, kidney stones, and stroke
  • Support weight loss

Weight loss does not happen by only drinking water. Having a glass or two of water before a meal can make you feel fuller therefore, you won’t overeat. The feeling in our stomach when we are thirsty can feel the same as when we are hungry. Making sure you drink enough water can prevent confusion. Lastly, reaching for water instead of a sugary drink can also aid in weight loss. 

Tips to Help Reach Your Goals

Drinking more than 80 ounces a day can sound intimidating and impossible. It can be especially hard for someone who hates the taste of simple water. How can we spice things up to help us reach our goals? Here are some tips I use to help keep my intake up:

  • Download an app to help remind you – I use a cute application on my iPhone called Plant Nanny2. To keep my plant alive, I must keep logging the number of ounces I drink. If I don’t drink enough, my plant will die. Making sure it doesn’t die keeps me accountable for drinking water. I also get notifications sent to my watch, reminding me of my goals. 
  • Keep your water bottle on your desk – Having the water bottle in my sight keeps me reaching for it throughout the day. If I leave the bottle in my bag or by my feet, I forget it is even there. Having your bottle in your vision will keep you reaching for it all day long. 
  • Use a water bottle with a straw – It is easier to keep your water bottle in front of you and occasionally sip from the straw. When you have an open mouth bottle, you have to use two hands to open it. It can be an annoyance depending on what your job is. Taking sips from a straw throughout the day will help meet your goal in no time.
  • Drink room temperature water – I find it hard to drink water when it’s too cold. I drink it a lot slower and, it hurts a little more going down. If possible, I go to a faucet and use warm water to fill up my bottle. Sometimes I keep two bottles on me: one that’s room temperature and a freshly filled one. While I drink the warm one, the fresh one has time to warm up until my first bottle is gone. The benefits are still the same whether you choose to drink your water warm or cold. 

It’s vital to get the appropriate amount of fluids in our body every day. Staying hydrated can lower the risk of diseases, support weight loss, and stabilize our heartbeat and blood pressure. What do you do to keep up with your intake goal? If you try any of the four tips, be sure to come back and comment on how they worked for you! Happy drinking!

*Facts and data from, and

8 thoughts on “The Importance of Drinking Water”

  1. This was pretty neat to read, and provided some good insight on why drinking water is important. I know I usually have a filled bottle by me whenever I’m busy getting work done.

  2. I really need to work on drinking more water… I think I’m definitely going to get that app you mentioned!

  3. Based on the chart I should be drinking 6 to 7 bottles of water – currently, it’s a good day if I drink one! So this was convicting to read, but also helpful. I like the tips you offered, especially about the app. Nice job!

  4. I am very guilty of not drinking enough water in my daily life. This article really opened my eyes to how little I have actually been drinking. I really liked how much you went into depth on the importance of drinking water. I also really enjoyed the tips within your piece. I have to try them sometime and see how it improves my life!

  5. Awesome read! This website is beautiful. You did a very great job setting this up and taking the time to make it amazing. The blog itself was very informational. As someone who took like a three year break from intense health care after quitting baseball, trying to get back into everything this is so helpful. Cant wait to come back this Friday for another great blog!

  6. I really like the layout of your blog! It looks very professional and makes me want to keep reading. I definitely learned that I am not drinking enough water as I should be and am wanting to download the app you mentioned. Looking forward on getting more information from your blog in the future!

  7. I really enjoy this idea for a blog! The first article being about how much water is also a great idea because it’s something that many people overlook about their health if they don’t think about it. I’m not the healthiest person in the world, but I try to get the recommended amount of water down per day at the very least. You can definitely tell the difference. I look forward to future posts!

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