Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is just one of the many amazing Legend of Zelda games created by Nintendo.

The game starts off with Link leaving Hyrule on a personal quest to find Navi. Instead, he meets an evil imp named Skull Kid who knocks Link unconscious and takes the Ocarina of Time and Epona. When Link finally tracks Skull Kid down Skull Kid uses dark magic to turn Link into a Deku Scrub.

Deku Link then meets the Happy Mask Salesman and learns the truth about Skull Kid. After then fighting Skull Kid at the top of the clocktower for the first time the Happy Mask Salesman helps by using the Song of Healing stop the moon from destroying the world, for about 3 days and then you have to use it all over again.

Throughout the whole game, you as the player get to help the people of Clock Town as well as the Gordons, Dekus, Zoras, and the Mask Happy Salesman by undoing what evil the Skull Kid inflicted upon them.

The funniest part of the game is getting all the masks and turning into all of the different types of characters there were and getting their abilities. There is the Deku Mask, Gordon Mask, Zora Mask, and the Fierce Deity Mask just to name a few. With the masks on you can race against the Gordons with Gordon Link or swim as fast as a Zora. In total there are 24 masks spread all across the map. Can you find them all?

The only part that can freak players out is the moon that gets bigger and bigger throughout the 3 day period. Like look at it:

You just look up and hello there it is. That is just extremely terrifying. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying the game. So if you haven’t I suggest you go out and get Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask to play. It is available on the GameCube, Nintendo 64, 3DS, Wii, and Wii U