
  • Growth

    New Skill

    This week’s blog is about learning a new skill. I have always needed the extra push to try something new and I think challenging myself is good exposure to new things and experiences. This week I knew I was going to be very stressed with school and I knew I was going to need a little escape away from all the schoolwork or a little me time. I did some research and because of Covid there wasn’t anything like self-defense classes available (that’s on my bucket list). I was trying to think of something easy to do because I have made new recipes before for the blog and I wanted…

  • Growth

    Social Media Detox

    For the past few months I have found that most of my free time/down time has been consumed by the famously distracting, the one and only, that’s right, you guessed it… the app called Tiktok. I didn’t realize how much of my time was wasted on social media until I checked my average daily screen time usage. I honestly could be getting so much more done with homework and job hunting during the time I am watching Tiktoks, which is sad. Its not like I never turn things in on time, or that I have bad grades, the main issue is my homework and progress on other daily tasks I…

  • Growth

    Procrastination Conquered

    Since the end of this past June, I had been given advice to make an online art portfolio of my work so that when I apply for jobs I had an online website to show my work. This was supposed to improve my chances of being hired after graduation and I had procrastinated on it for months. With December approaching so quickly I started to feel the stress and pressures of what is expected after a person graduates college. I have the sad reminder that people without jobs when they graduate are looked at like failures in society. I didn’t do the portfolio earlier in the semester because I was…

  • Growth

    Baking Day

    So because I used to love baking I thought this week I would take a night out of the week and make something new and yummy for a Halloween snack for my boyfriend and I. I decided on oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I have always heard of oatmeal raisin cookies, but never oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Those are my boyfriend’s favorite cookie apparently and he has been dying to see just how skilled I am at cookie making. So I followed a recipe I found on Pinterest like I always do and here is the results! I think I might make something more Halloween themed before the week ends because…

  • Growth,  Self-love


    The mission for this week was to take myself out on a date. Spend time with myself and attend to my needs myself. Without help from anyone else. I bet some of you have heard about a self-date, or the phrase date yourself first. But you might wonder what that actually encompasses. I started the day out by going to the gym and I was planning on wearing a cute outfit and going out to a restaurant to have a nice meal somewhere new in Whitewater, but after I got thinking about it is that really what I wanted? I needed to reflect about what I was feeling and how…