Money Smart Week® is coming to Whitewater! The campus community, both in Whitewater and Janesville, are invited to attend several events during the 2019 Money Smart Week, April 1-5.
Money Smart: Adulting 101. Monday & Tuesday, April 1-2, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, UC Concourse Tables. Test your knowledge of personal finance topics! Stop by our table in the UC to see if you can correctly answer a money question, win a prize, and more importantly, learn about free financial resources available to you on campus.
Cooking on a Dime. Monday, April 1, 4:00 pm, UC275B. Are you looking for ways to save money when preparing meals and purchasing groceries? Amanda Kostman, the Family Living Educator from Extension Walworth County, will be on campus to present and demonstrate ways to ‘Cook on a Dime’. Food samples and door prizes will be available to those in attendance.
GeoCache for College Cash. Tuesday, April 2, 4-6:00 pm, UC Concourse Tables. GeoCache for College Cash is a contest that operates similar to a scavenger hunt. Using a smart phone or tablet, players read and respond to quiz questions for a chance to win prizes. This fun campus event features personal finance info every student should know. Prizes include a chance to win a $500 national prize, along with local prizes including a Beats Pill, wireless earbuds, gift cards. and swag.
Understanding Credit & Credit Scores. Wednesday, April 3, 12:00 pm, UWW at Rock County, HS120. Understanding credit can be challenging. Summit Credit Union will be presenting a seminar at the UWW at Rock County campus during Money Smart Week to help students understand credit and breakdown a credit score.
Financial Crimes: Awareness & Prevention. Wednesday, April 3, 2:00 pm, UC264. A loss prevention specialist from UW Credit Union will share relevant information on current financial crimes and how to prevent them from happening to you.
Help, It’s Almost Tax Time! Wednesday, April 3, 3:30 pm, Hyland 1302. Do I need to file taxes? If I am a dependent for my parents, should I still file? What is an education credit? Where can I get help to file my taxes? Get all your tax questions answered by the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) providers at UW-Whitewater.
Homebuying 101. Thursday, April 4, 3:00 pm, UC262. Are you interested or considering the purchase of a home? Attend our Homebuying 101 seminar to obtain information and resources from both a local real estate agent and a mortgage lending institution. They will give guidance and clarity (no sales pitches!) to the many steps of the home purchasing process.
Paint-A-Bank. Thursday, April 4, 3-5:00 pm, Andersen Library. Get creative and come to Andersen Library to paint a money bank. This is a make and take event, and banks will be available until supplies run out.
All events are free and open to all. For more information about these and other nearby events, visit www.moneysmartweek.org. Money Smart Week® events on campus are hosted by Andersen Library and the Financial Literacy Center.