Chapters,  Expansion Info

Elsweyr PTS is Live!

Yo it’s live! The PTS, Public Test Server, is now up and running with the new Elsweyr expansion! The public test server also is running Update 22 game update and patch. Only PC/MAC players can access the PTS. “If you’ve tested the game previously, either for the Morrowind or Summerset Chapter, you can get into this new test from the ESO launcher with no invite required. Just enable “Show Public Test Environment” from your launcher settings. If you haven’t tested a Chapter for us before, but have played ESO this last year, you’ll receive (or have already received!) an email invite with the details. Because this is such a large test, invites will be sent out over the next few days, so don’t worry if you don’t immediately get yours.”-ESO. As stated by ESO officially, this is a massive beta test with very little requirements to apply for the server access. Unfortunately new players can’t access the PTS server, but dedicated players who have proved their loyalty by investing time in the game can.

If you are going to play the PTS you will be forced to agree to a Non-Disclosure Agreement. This agreement is to make sure you don’t spoil the story for potential players of Elsweyr. “This NDA is specific to the ESO: Elsweyr main quest and its story, but you are free to stream and talk about anything you experience in the new zone with the exception of the Chapter’s main storyline beyond the first quest “A Rage of Dragons.” You can share any side quests you enjoy, but please be careful when discussing things that might be considered a spoiler.”-ESO. So you can pretty much record or share anything EXCEPT for the story past the initial starting quest. Will this PTS update, prepare to see some potentially wonky dragons, some funny glitches, and a whole lot of new content! For players who do get access, please report bugs, glitches, and other issues. It helps the game developers focus on what needs fixing and makes the game better for all players. Let the adventuring begin! For more info about the PTS and PTS application check out the link below.

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