• IRL News

    Goodbye, See Ya Around

    This has been an interesting assignment for me. I was tasked with creating a blog and posting weekly content on a subject I enjoy. I had fun sharing information with everyone and helping sum up long amounts of repetitive information. I enjoyed writing this blog very much and it helped my love for Elder Scrolls Online grow even stronger. This game, personally, has the highest potential of any MMO I have ever scene. There is so much that can be done with this game and its world. I can’t wait to see what the future has to hold. In the meantime enjoy Elsweyr and the culture of the Khajiit. I…

  • Expansion Info,  Lore

    Necro Lore

    ESO posted a small article about the history of Necromancy throughout Tamriel. They also explain how necromancy works. Necromancers have the power to manipulate the animus, or the soul, of a living or previously living thing. “The Mages Guild identifies necromancy as its own distinct school of magic, but some Necromancers say it’s just an offshoot of mysticism, conjuration, and enchantment—no more dangerous than fireballs and scrying spells.”-ESO. While in the academic standing of magic as a norm, Necromancy stands out as it manipulates the soul directly. Majority of cultures see this manipulation of the soul as a crime against nature and as inherently evil. The power to manipulate or modify…

  • IRL News

    The Community

    ESO is a MMO, and as such, has a massive community of players. There are many sub communities in ESO, and those communities are known as guilds. Most other MMO’s have some form of clan or guild systems, ESO follows that trend but make it a little more personalized. ESO recently posted a community spotlight article talking to some well known guilds that hold a strong position for helping new players in the ESO community. “Casual Ranger of the Ranger’s Guild” and “MissBizz of the Lone Wolf Help Guild” help new players get up to speed in ESO. They where asked several questions about their guilds and the impact it…

  • Chapters,  Expansion Info

    Elsweyr PTS is Live!

    Yo it’s live! The PTS, Public Test Server, is now up and running with the new Elsweyr expansion! The public test server also is running Update 22 game update and patch. Only PC/MAC players can access the PTS. “If you’ve tested the game previously, either for the Morrowind or Summerset Chapter, you can get into this new test from the ESO launcher with no invite required. Just enable “Show Public Test Environment” from your launcher settings. If you haven’t tested a Chapter for us before, but have played ESO this last year, you’ll receive (or have already received!) an email invite with the details. Because this is such a large test, invites will be sent out…

  • Crown Store Info,  Events

    Goodies Galore! Happy Anniversary ESO!

    Three major things have happened since the last post, April Fools, new crates, and a new event coming! First off, on the day I last posted, we got a good Aprils Fools post from the ESO team on the main site. They advertised wearable outfits for your cat IRL, only for 100 gold! Sadly “1oo gold” translates to $100,000 USD. So they got a lot of people good with that post. If I was a huge cat person I would love this legitimately. But cats don’t usually like things hanging off of them, so attempt to recreate these at your own risk. https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/55993 Next up we have new Crown Crate goodies.…

  • Crown Store Info

    Crown Store Showcase, March 2019

    Why do people play MMO’s? Beginner players will tell you its to hang out with friends online. Average players will tell you its to play an expansive game with a long interesting plot and cool mechanics. A veteran player would agree with those things as important, but not the most important. Veterans would say the most important thing in MMO’s is….. Fashion! Sure you can grind with friends and level up with butt ugly and mismatching gear, but wheres the fun in that? With fashion you can do said leveling with friends and look good while you die to that horde of spiders you’ve been farming. ESO takes fashion to…