• Blogs

    Importance of Mental Health

    Mental health is by far my favorite thing to discuss! Mental health should not be a taboo subject. We all struggle with mental health in some way, shape, or form! About five years ago, I was at a really low place in my life. I wasn’t sleeping, had high anxiety, and felt very emotionally drained. I was lucky enough to have a great support system to provide me with the help I needed. I started going to therapy…BEST DECISION EVER! I am obsessed with theory! Finding someone to discuss the good, bad, and ugly with is so important. I used to hold everything in and feel stuck in my life.…

  • Blogs


    Hello, welcome to my first blog! I am so excited you are here! Throughout the next couple of weeks, I will be taking you on a journey to help you discovering wellness. I will be splitting wellness into three different categories; physical, mental, and nutrition. Each week I will be alternating which aspect of wellness I will be focusing on. I will be starting our journey together off by discussing “Dieting vs Lifestyle Changes” in my blog next week. Why listen to a word I have to say? Good question! Let me explain my background in discovering my wellness and why I created this blog. From a young age, I…