For our research paper, I decided upon the following research question:

RQ: Through the lens of Structuration Theory, How do employees interact and adapt to new communication technologies within a corporate setting.

From this question, I want to explore how employees are introduced to new communication technologies, such as new programs or machines, and how they navigate group systems and the corporate structure to adapt and integrate these technologies into their daily workdays. I will base my foundation research on Anthony Giddens’ two books New Rules of Sociological Method and The Constitution of Society. These books are designed to give a general theoretical overview of society and its rules and structures which guide our behavior. I will blend this theoretical knowledge with Rob Stones’ 2005 novel titled Structuration Theory. This novel gives a more practical approach to structuration and how individuals can utilize and apply the theory into their lives.

After the foundation I plan to introduce current studies that take a look at two different areas. One grouping will take a look at group systems and how they manage behavior within a workplace. Then, the second grouping will take a look at how employees navigate and utilize group systems when trying to engage and learn new communication technologies that are introduced into their workplace. This should give a good overview of the literature needed to understand structuration and group systems.