Campus Involvement
How do you truly make the most of your college experience? GET INVOLVED!
But how? How do you make friends and stay active in college? My advice is to get involved on campus as much as possible. One of the most challenging things as an independent college student is balancing your time. I mean, we are living on our own and can do whatever we want! So, it’s important to establish ways to stay busy and create memories that will last a life time.
Greek Life
I am a large advocate for Greek Life. Yes, I know many controversial topics come with Greek life; however, I am proud to say I have found all stereotypes are false.
Let me explain further; I joined Greek Life freshman year with full intentions to solely make friends. As a freshman, my biggest concern was making friends in college. I didn’t know how I would ever find friends like the ones I had in high school. Greek Life definitely gave me that, but little did I know, these friends would be life-long.
So yeah, it’s great to have friends in college, but what about preparing for your future and gaining experience?
Greek Life has brought me ample opportunities to grow as an individual. Even something as small as overcoming my fear of public speaking! I have gained confidence in reaching for my goals, taking the leap, and achieving what I want to achieve. Greek Life is an excellent networking opportunity. The Greek community offers so many connections to future internships, jobs, and other benefits. I have a community of people to lean on and look up to as I focus on my future.
Here are some organizations I have volunteered for throughout my membership in my sorority.
Greek Life definitely keeps you busy with philanthropic opportunities, executive board and committee positions, and community events. But how else do you get involved?
Clubs and Organizations
Every semester, most campuses offer club fairs for students to attend. They have endless tables with information on clubs that are offered through the university. My advice here is, go to them! Search for clubs that interest you, whether it’s for entertainment or to benefit your future. The more connections you make throughout your years in college, the better your experience will be!
Sometimes you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and trust me; it will pay off in the end.
Sam Meier
Hello Bri!
I agree with you that it’s important to get involved! I’m involved in Cru: a campus Christian organization at UW-Whitewater, and I also have a job at Williams Center! Both have kept me busy in my college career and connected me with people I otherwise would’ve not met. Specifically Cru has turned into a second family to me, one that I can go to someone in Cru for assistance and they will always be honest and help me out. I have also changed me look on Greek Life since I came to UW-Whitewater! I can now see some big benefits, most of the ones you mentioned, that Greek Life provides. I think if students focus on the school and leadership aspects of Greek Life, they can get a lot out of it.
Lindsey Buchanan
Hi Brianna,
I loved how you provided different ways to get involved on campus during covid. During times like these it is very important to stay involved especially with socializing.
Sawyer Novara
Participating in sports on campus is also a great way to get involved, whether it be on an official team or intramurals. I’m on the wrestling team here and we’re more than just friends. A college team is like family. We watch out for each other and always have each other’s backs. Just like with Greek Life, these people will be lifelong friends.
Brianna Olstad
I truly miss being on a sports team. I loved the family aspect of being a team and always working together. It is a great way to make genuine friends that will last a lifetime. Thank you for your feedback!
Reynaldo Mayans
Hi Brianna,
That is so cool that you did not wait for fun to find you. Being able to be involved with group that allows you the opportunity to grow at your paces is great. While you also developed friendships that become friends for life. Friends that help you to become the best person that is in you.. I never was in a Greek organization I would have like to be exposed to one great job.
Brianna Olstad
Thank you for your feedback!