Backpack Essentials for College
It is a good reminder to keep your backpack stocked with the following essentials throughout the course of the semester! Leaving without these items on hand, which I have done many times, doesn’t add up to a fun rest of the day.

- Notebooks or Binders (If you choose binders make sure you have lots of loose leaf paper)
- Textbooks (never know when you will need to reference a chapter during class)
- Laptop (most students use their laptops during class to take notes, access power points etc…)
- Backup chargers (running out of battery with no backup charger is no fun)
- Headphones (makes walking around campus more enjoyable)
- Folders (preferably the all in one folder)
- Writing utensils including pens and pencils
- Highlighters (what to study for tests)
- Planner ( My personal bible, I would never leave without it since it keeps me organized each day)
- Back up Stapler (for the teachers who want assignments turned in stapled)
- Water bottle and a place for an everyday snack (I like chewy granola bars)
- Toiletries including back up tissue, lotion and chap stick for those drying cold months.
- Make sure you have your keys so you don’t have to call your roommate begging to get back in.
- As a side note I always keep a bottle of pepper spray on me just in case!
Hope you found some use out of this post!