To every first-year student,

Whether you are a freshman, transfer student or just simply seeking further education, college is a huge life adjustment. As a freshman, you have to leave home for the very first time. At first it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more. The first week is absolutely amazing. You sort of forget what you are missing at home because you are having so much fun in your new home. There are tons of first-week events that are really entertaining. Every college has their own traditions to welcome new students, but I have to say UW-Whitewater seems to be the best. From painting the road, to the new student rally, to operation glow, there are countless events held for the sole purpose of you meeting new friends… so take advantage of that.

So the first week ends and you start to really dive into your classes. This is where things change. It has been a couple weeks since you have seen your parents, your siblings, but most importantly your pet. Your homework list grows longer and longer, and before you know it you have 13 books to read and 6 papers to write all before next week. If you don’t feel like your drowning at this point I have to say you’re an amazing student, but if you do feel like your drowning, don’t worry, it will get better. Make sure you manage your time well and prioritize your assignments. As time goes on you will quickly catch on to your professor’s teaching style and you will know exactly what assignments are required and which ones simply are not. If you really excel in a certain class and don’t need as much practice in that specific area, then focus your time somewhere else. The best part about college is you are completely independent, especially when it comes to learning. You choose what classes you want, when you want them and whom you want them with. Make sure to choose a major that you actually enjoy and the course material will come naturally. I will be honest and tell you the first year of classes will most likely have absolutely nothing to do with your specific major. You may take classes that you have no interest in, but just keep in mind that once you start hitting 400 level classes, you will be begging for some general courses to break up your day. Enjoy them while you can! Before you know it, you will have made it through the first month…then semester…then year and you’re already a sophomore. Time flies in college, it really does. The coursework may be a lot more challenging, but it definitely beats sitting in your high school desk for 8 hours a day. Plus, in college, holiday break is a month long…that’s right, an entire month. Make sure to enjoy your time while it lasts because honestly before you know it, you will be wearing a cap and gown and walking across the stage.