We show our dogs love in a multitude of ways. Hugs, kisses, pets, every way we can think of, we try to show our dogs we love them. But how do they return the feeling? In this blog, I will talk about the many ways that dogs can show us that they love us.
Signs your dog loves:
- Excitement
- When you come home, is your dog jumping around and wagging their tail? If so, then that is a clear way your dog shows that they love you. When a dog shows that they are happy to see you in these ways, you know that they love you. Just the sight of you gets them excited and they love to see you.
- Physical Contact
- Some physical contact that they show might not even seem like ways they show that they love you. For example, if your dog leans on you, that is their way of hugging you and seeking attention from you. They want your physical contact but show it in different ways than a human might. Other forms of physical contact that might show love is by nuzzling up to you or cuddling with you.
- Sleep
- Have you ever went to bed and your dog cuddled up right next to you? This is a sure way that they love you because they need to have security and safety when they sleep. If they are sleeping by you or right up next to you, they feel completely safe and comfortable around you.
- Licking
- One of the most common and obvious ways your dog can show that they love you is if they lick you. When they lick you, it could be for a variety of different reasons, however, the most likely and common reason is that they are trying to show you affection.
- Sharing Toys
- If a dog walks up to you with a ball or toy in their mouth and places it by you or seems like they want you to play with them, this is also a form of affection from a dog. Since dogs have such a strong and meaningful relationship with their toys, it is a clear sign that they love you when they are willing to give them up to you and asking you to play with them.
All in all, if you think your dog is acting affectionately towards you, they most likely are. I have seen all of these behaviors from my dogs and have recognized them as forms of affection but when I was researching this topic, it is clear that this what they are actually doing. When they do these acts, it solidifies your relationship between you and your dog and makes you realize how your dog loves you just as much as you love them.
May 1, 2022 at 9:16 pm
I love this post! Dogs have the best personalities and it’s really neat to see it displayed through affection. Something that made me laugh is showing affection through sharing toys. Every morning, our pup finds a toy and carries it in his mouth as he parades across us and groans while we pet him. We joke that he is just so excited to see us and wants to show us his favorite toy because he loves us so much!
May 2, 2022 at 1:29 am
My dog did all of these
May 2, 2022 at 5:40 pm
This article was very heartwarming and it’s seems to be incredible when a dog loves you. I personally don’t own any dogs but I see dogs react that way with their owners and I can imagine it’s a great feeling on both ends. Being able to have a loving relationship with your dog seems so important and I hope that when I own a dog, they experience these sorts of emotions. I hope to have a strong bond with my future dog and create that level of connection with them.
May 3, 2022 at 6:36 pm
I loved learning about all this! I always find “dog communication” facts so interesting as they really do communicate in such different ways than we do. I’m glad to see that my dog is happy and feels safe with me according to this little fact tidbits!