Women Based Media

Broadly, a new media site focused on women, went on their first journey to Kenya in July. The crew visited several all female villages. These bold women make a living by selling jewelry to passing by tourists and have made enough money to build a school. Following this first documentary have been other stories about women in power or the struggle for women in many different societies.

Sites such as Broadly are extremely important not only for women to read and discover but for men as well. Ever since the 1930s there have been magazines geared at empowering young women about change. As the chief and editor Tracie Egan Morrissey points out, “the goal is to consistently cover woman’s issues that are ignored by general interest media.” Without this site these issues would never be discussed and the world may never know how women are treated in other parts of the world.

This is very interesting to me, since I am a women. I really enjoyed reading the articles and watching the videos about life for women in separate societies. I would love to go visit one of the villages in Kenya and speak with these women and of course buy some of their ornate jewelry. But more importantly it is so interesting that entire media site is devoting all of their material to women.

I could not be happier that they have made this decision. I have taken a women’s studies course and have always considered myself as a feminist. This is a dream come true for people like me. Out of the stories I read and  documentaries I watched I was so enlightened by their stories. I can just about guarantee that I would not have found coverage about these women on a main stream site.


Here is the link to the website. It is updated regularly and well worth your time!



One thought on “Women Based Media”

  1. This is super interesting! I honestly had no idea there were all female tribes, so this definitely taught me something new. I also really liked the photo you included, the colors and everything are really quite beautiful. Striving to empower women is important, but what’s even more important is to get the information out there, as you said for women as well as men. The more knowledgeable we are as a society the better.

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