Time management is something that can make or break your schedule. As college students, I feel like we normally procrastinate everything as long as we can (at least I do). This can lead to heightening our stress levels and causing us to panic and not do our best work.
Time management stressors can also relate to having a balance between everything you have going on. Balance is something I’ve mentioned a lot about in pasts posts, but it really is important. Here are some tips to help balance your time and help you increase your time management skills:
- Don’t break your schedule: try to stick with your timely schedules. Life happens sometimes though, so it’s okay if your schedule slips a little.
- Stay organized: make sure you know what you have going on and have all of your events in order. like I’ve said in past posts, a planner is a good way to stay organized.
- Have a school, work, life balance: Only you know your limits, don’t overwork and overwhelm yourself.
- It’s okay to say no: you can only be in one place at one time, turning down plans is okay!
- Don’t procrastinate: procrastination is one of the biggest stressors in a college students life, try to be ahead of yourself.
Time management is something that takes practice and diligence. Forming a habit of keeping yourself accountable when it comes to time management is a useful and important skill to have.
I really struggle with time management. Like you, I also procrastinate fairly often so I could definitely use these tips to try and help me focus more and want to get work done. I think one of my downfall with this bad habit is that I don’t have much of a school, work, life balance and that definitely overwhelms me and I tend to feel stressed out the entire semester. I will definitely be trying some of these tips and hope they help!
I’ve definitely learned the importance of time management. When you’re a student, have family life, and work all at the same time you really can’t make it through without some sort of time management skills. It’s probably one of the best things to get good at as an adult. Procrastination is huge and difficult to overcome as well. Honestly, now I just kind of make room for procrastination just in case I do it because some days are just not it!
I really like the tips you provide in this post to keep time management a priority! I know that occasionally I slip up on my schedule or I procrastinate certain projects or assignments, but it always backfires in the end. I’ve found that it is just easier to plan out the work in a timely manner and stick to doing it so I won’t have the stress of procrastination lingering in the background up until the due date. I also like the idea of having a planner, and I feel like I couldn’t live without mine, so I think this is also a great suggestion you give in this post to keep up with time management.