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We Want You

We Want You

What is up my fellow Warhawks? Today I am going to give you the ability to change your life with a part time Job. I know what you’re all thinking “Harv really? A part time job?” YES REALLY people. This Job will change your life 

Spring Break to Spring Semester?

Spring Break to Spring Semester?

The time has come and gone and Spring Break is no more Warhawks. It is always hard to get back into the swing of things after having a week or so off. Whether you traveled to a luxurious location to vacation in or just to 



As a senior graduating in May, I have been faced with a ton of decisions like: where do I want to live? What company do I want to work for? What career do I want to do? Do I live at home for a year? etc. These are probably some of the biggest decisions I have made and will be making in my life so far. I have slowly been making progress on making these decisions and I want to share some of the advice to all of you. Continue reading ??Decisions??

Tips for Your Trip

Tips for Your Trip

With spring break just on the horizon, comes the 20 hours road trips to come with it. For all you lucky students flying to your destinations…oh how I envy you. While some of you are staying home for spring break (Check out our last blog!),