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My Good Bye Blog

My Good Bye Blog

Where do I even start this blog? This will be last blog forever for Warhawk Fitness. I want to say thank you so much. Writing these blogs, filming the vlogs and working our social media pages have meant so much to me. I am so 

Gee, Thanks

Gee, Thanks

What is up my Hawks? It’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Harv here again, but today’s Blog is going to come with awful news. Don’t freak out, but this is my final Blog as a member of the beloved Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics PR team. So 

Turning Nature Into Your Gym

Turning Nature Into Your Gym

With the weather getting nicer, we are all trying to spend every second outside that we can! This can cut into our gym time though. Why be inside a gym when you can be outside? We get it! We don’t take it personal (as long as you promise to come back)! BUT did you know that you can work out outside? What a concept. The weather has taken its toll on my body! I took a few days off of the gym and realized I can’t do this all summer. I needed to figure out a way to have a fun workout while enjoying the weather and also finding places to go, and I did!  Continue reading Turning Nature Into Your Gym

The Shape of Intramurals

The Shape of Intramurals

Intramurals are one of the best parts of the programming that the Williams Center offers. They’re fun ways to stay competitive and keep yourself in shape. However, one of the biggest challenges for me was just that: Shape.