More Sleep = More Gains

More Sleep = More Gains

Most of us by now are aware that getting enough sleep is imperative in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With having been said it goes without saying that someone who workouts out a daily basis needs sleep even more. Why is so important you ask? Well, 

Workout While You Work

Workout While You Work

Remember when summer was the most relaxing three months in the entire year? Can you think back to a time where the words summer and job did not coexist? Well I can, and I can assure you that it was much less stressful time. For 

Just Relax.

Just Relax.

Being a college student is stressful. Between school, exams, work, and other daily stresses, it is nearly impossible to avoid stress. Although stress in small doses can be very healthy and even helpful, there comes a certain point for every individual when the stress becomes 

Don’t Study Too Hard     

Don’t Study Too Hard     

        With finals quickly approaching, so many of us are starting to really hit the books hard. Maybe that one class you skipped the fifth week of school turned into four classes you skipped, or maybe you just have a really difficult professor. Either way,