Turn Your Run Into Fun!

Turn Your Run Into Fun!

Whoever said running wasn’t any fun? Now I realize that running may not be your favorite hobby and it’s not in my intentions to necessarily make it your favorite either. However, having the right mindset about running can make it less of a chore and 

A Health Nut’s Guide To Holiday Gatherings

A Health Nut’s Guide To Holiday Gatherings

When it comes to your diet restrictions you may have strong feelings about what foods you tend to eat or avoid. If you’re anything like me I feel the most confident in my healthy eating habits when it’s in my control. But when you’re going 

The Ultimate Workout

The Ultimate Workout

It’s called the Tabata Sprint, named after a Japanese Researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata. Here are a few reasons why I call it’s nicknamed the Ultimate workout!  –          It takes a fraction of the time of the usual gym workout. –          It works your body 

Not A Mirror, But A Self Reflection

Not A Mirror, But A Self Reflection

I recently read a quote that said “Waves are inspiring not because they rise and fall, but because each time they fall they never fail to rise again”. Reading this quote forced me to think and reflect on all of the ups and downs of