Girls Rule, Boys…

Girls Rule, Boys…

There is nothing that trips my trigger more than the “boys are better than girls” phrase, whether you are talking about athleticism, intelligence, work, etc. I definitely don’t think we are equal, we both have our own strengths and weaknesses and lately I have been 

Finding Progress After You Plateau

Finding Progress After You Plateau

Have you ever wondered why your workouts just don’t seem to do it for you anymore? You probably have switched it up a little, riding the bike instead of running or lifting twice a week rather than once. Here are some reasons why: You’ve hit 

Why Friends Who work Out With You Are The Best Friends Out There.

Why Friends Who work Out With You Are The Best Friends Out There.

Everyone’s on their fitness kick.  Wither it’s your new year’s resolution to get back in the gym to get fit, or the fact that spring break is only  1 month away we are all trying to be committed to fitness.  Self-motivation plays a big part, 

What is your “But”?

What is your “But”?

We all start our week off with the hopes of waking up for our Monday morning workout. We set our clothes out, we pre-prepare our breakfast, and then we go to sleep setting our alarms bright and early. Then, when that rooster calls, we snooze