Healthy Foods on A Budget

Healthy Foods on A Budget

Eating healthy can get quite pricey, especially those all organic foods.  But don’t make the mistake that eating out is cheaper than buying healthy food regularly.  You simply have to be smart about what you buy and how you are buying it.  I am here 

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Benefits of Aromatherapy

We know that our environment contributes to our mood and overall well-being. Our surroundings play a huge part in our health. But what is it about the simple light of a candle that can turn your night of drowning in a ten page research paper 

Why your Cool-down Counts

Why your Cool-down Counts

Its 6pm as you wipe the sweat from your eyes from your killer workout. You had a jam-packed day going from classes to meetings and got the motivation to hit the gym on your way home. You push through your last round of squats, re-rack 

Alcohol vs. Fitness

Alcohol vs. Fitness

What’s more synonymous with college than alcohol? Now, we can turn a blind eye to this subject like we often do, or we can look it in the face and take it for what it is. Alcohol and college go hand in hand, nothing anyone