Take Care of Your Financial Health This Summer

Take Care of Your Financial Health This Summer

Summer is a great opportunity to make money, but where does it all go by the beginning of Fall? The amount of stress we put on ourselves, due to financial demands, is uncanny. There is, however, plenty for you to do to relieve this stress 

Fitness Tips

Fitness Tips

Something to look out for nowadays is shortcuts. We have shortcuts for everything. Shortcuts to get to the grocery store, to learn a new language, or even to growing hair faster. Although some of those may work, shortcuts to bettering yourself and having a healthy 

Essential Oils After Sun Spray

Essential Oils After Sun Spray

Spring Break is at an end, but that doesn’t mean that tan should be.  While on Spring break, my skin was kissed by the sun, a little more some days than others.   I always made sure I was lathered up in my SPF, but 

Run Smarter, Not Harder

Run Smarter, Not Harder

As the temperature outside rises and flowers begin to pop through the dirt, more people can be found outside enjoying the sun. The cold winter days spent trapped inside the gym are coming to end and for many it’s time to hit the trails. For