How To Stay Motivated Over Summer

How To Stay Motivated Over Summer

How to Stay Motivated Over the Summer Now that we are into the summer, one of two things tend to happen to peoples’ fitness plans and goals. You either are doing fine; and with summer here you have more time to pay attention to it, 

Ensure Your Breakfast Everyday

Ensure Your Breakfast Everyday

We often hear breakfast is the most important meal of the day; where is the reasoning? According to John Ivy, PhD, in his article, Why Breakfast is the most important meal of the Day, “breakfast is a critical meal because it influences practically every dimension 

How To Stay Cool This Summer

How To Stay Cool This Summer

Summer means fun in the sun and a few months of relaxation, but it also means there are some scorching hot days were it feels like you could cook an egg on the asphalt. Staying cool on hot summer days can seem impossible! Whether your 

It’s All About A Happy Medium

It’s All About A Happy Medium

  As a college student, the summer time usually means meeting up with old friends, spending time with the family, or vacation adventures. Although these are all the perks of summer, these couple months off of school also usually mean saving up money by working