Workout Shoes NOT Working Out

Workout Shoes NOT Working Out

Hey everyone it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Ryan checking in! When I’m working in the Williams center there is one thing that is guaranteed to make me cringe and I know we’re all thinking the same thing. That’s right… IMPROPER FOOTWEAR, there’s nothing worse in my book. 

Doomsday Prep (Finals Edition)

Doomsday Prep (Finals Edition)

Oh the confusing times of the last couple weeks of school. A time of happiness, anxiousness, relief and stress… all at once… yikes. Summer is finally just beyond the horizon but not until those tests, papers and projects are done! Have no fear, believe it 

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Healthy Meal Options on Campus

Whether you live on campus, or commute for classes, it is important to know where the healthy meal options are for when you inevitably get hungry. It is important to make sure you incorporate plenty or fruits, vegetables, and protein into your daily diet.  Below 

Travel Tips For The Air

Travel Tips For The Air

I recently took a three week academic trip out of the country to the United Kingdom with a class from UW-Whitewater. I am so very grateful for the opportunity and experiences I have received from this adventure! An aspect of this trip I had not