What is the Yellow Tulip Project?

What is the Yellow Tulip Project?

The Yellow Tulip project aims to smash the stigma that surrounds mental illness and to build a community of people who realize that hope happens when youth and the community can work together. Their goal is to make mental illness just as normal as any 

Why it is Important to Meal Prep

Why it is Important to Meal Prep

Meal prepping is the concept of preparing meals ahead of time rather than the day of. As mentioned in our blog titled “Tips for Meal Prepping” this concept has become particularly popular due to the many benefits it has. However, what we did not cover 

Meditation Benefits and Strategies

Meditation Benefits and Strategies

Meditating can be very helpful for everyone going through stressful times, anxiety, or even a pandemic. Meditation is a process and will not come easy right away. It is training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts as well as increasing your awareness of 

How to Maintain a Goodnight’s Rest During a Pandemic

How to Maintain a Goodnight’s Rest During a Pandemic

Last March when COVID-19 became prominent throughout the United States many people thought it wouldn’t be here for long. However, now that we are coming up on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic it has made many people realize they will have to make lifestyle