Author: Jen Kaina

Meditation 101

Meditation 101

The beginning of a new year means a new you, am I right? So many of us find ourselves making new goals or resolutions that we want to achieve as we make way into the new year. Often, it’s physical appearances that we fixate ourselves 

Netflix and Sweat?

Netflix and Sweat?

I don’t know about you, but when I come home for break I do not have access to a gym. That means that the majority of my winter break consisted of watching Netflix on the couch. Now for a while this seemed to be just 

A New Year = A New You… Right?

A New Year = A New You… Right?

slide1I am all about setting goals and reaching them, but I never understood why we as individuals have to wait tell the first of the year to make a goal, and how long does this goal go on for?  Until we forget about it, until we see results, a few weeks after, who knows.  In my opinion to many New Year resolutions end in failure, and I hate failure.

Make it a full out successful year by tackling one new habit a month for an entire year.  By the end of the year you’ll have twelve new habits that will benefit your years to come.

Don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging trying to come up with new ideas each month trying to make habits out of.  Below is a list of new habits I came up with to use in my own personal 2017.

January: Lets save some money.

  • Cancel all subscriptions you aren’t using regularly. (Soptify, Nextflix, etc.)
  • Call your cable company and ask for a lower price or if they have a college discount.
  • Pack a healthy lunch instead of buying one.
  • Make your coffee at home.

February: Practice mindfulness.

  • Disconnect from technology for the day.
  • Smile more.
  • Be positive.  Tell yourself something you love about you every day.

March: Organize your life.

  • Upgrade from paper. Digitalize your paper so less clutter is around you.
  • Dispose expired items. This goes further than just food.

April: Anti-stress pickup.

  • Try out mediation. Check out Warhawk fitness yoga classes!
  • Adult coloring books.
  • Anything to set your mind free (working-out, writing, reading, cooking, etc.)

May: Indulge in fruit and veggies.

  • Drink your veggies. Increase your intake by adding veggies to a smoothie or creating your own juice.
  • Keep healthy snacks on hand.
  • Try “meatless Monday”

June: Experience over things.

  • Get involved in groups. On campus there are mor4e then 100 to join.
  • Enjoy more live music.
  • Plan a vacation. Even if it’s just for the weekend or a couple miles away.


August: Switch up your workout.

  • Try out new fitness classes on campus.
  • Hit up the machines you’ve always been too nervous to uses.
  • Ask a friend to join your workout.

September: Learn a new skill.

  • Look up cooking tutorials, or any tutorial in that matter.
  • Learn a new language.
  • Join one of those 100 clubs on campus.

October: Protect yourself.

  • Strengthen online passwords. Use a tool like LastPass to protect and keep all your passwords.
  • Keep vacations off social media until you return. The world doesn’t need to know that no one will be in your house for a week, it’s just screaming: “please come rob me.”
  • Take up a self-defense class.

November: Decrease portion size.

  • Use smaller plates. Don’t let your eyes control how much food is going on your plate.
  • Divide your plate up so you’re consuming the right amount of each food.
  • Don’t starve yourself or skip meals.

December: Practice generosity.

  • Make a commitment to volunteering.
  • Join an organization that focus on giving back.
  • Work on being generous to yourself.

I hope you learn. I hope you laugh. I hope you never stop. And remember being fit is always in style.

-Karlee Fowler

Making your Skin Better in Sweater Weather

Making your Skin Better in Sweater Weather

As the snow on the ground layers up, so do we. The only thing more crucial than layering up in a thick knit, heavy sweater is lathering up on heavy moisturizers. According to, the moisture in your skin is evaporates and gets dry just