Author: Jen Kaina

What To Wear To The Gym

What To Wear To The Gym

  You can not go to the gym wearing just anything! Before heading off to the gym, it is important to make sure you are dressed the right way. Nothing is worse than being uncomfortable during the middle of your workout. It is helpful to 

Healthy Tips For Summer Cookouts

Healthy Tips For Summer Cookouts

  Summer is undeniably about getting together with friends or family, and catching up with a bite to eat. That smoky smell of the grill lingers through the air as you kick back and relax, enjoying an ice cold soda. I mean come on, who 

5 Tips To Stay Hydrated

5 Tips To Stay Hydrated

Stay Hydrated Image

  1. Drink a LOT of water

Make it a habit to start each morning with a glass of water to kick start your day. Try to keep a big bottle of water with you throughout the day. This will encourage you to drink water more often. Try to keep track of how much water you drink to make sure you are getting enough!


  1. Eat more whole fruits and vegetables

There are many fruits and vegetables that have a higher water content. Some good options are cucumbers, watermelon, and citrus fruits. Next time you are going grocery shopping pick up some of these foods that will help keep you hydrated.


  1. Avoid drinks that dehydrate you

Limit how much alcohol you consume. Drinking large quantities of alcohol can cause dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water before and after you consume alcohol.


  1. Grab a sports drink

A sports drink can hydrate you faster than water especially after and intense workout. Sports drinks contain dissolved minerals and nutrients that help replenish the body. There are many different flavors and brands of sports drinks to choose from. Having a variety to choose from makes drinking sports drinks and water easy to do.



  1. Set reminders for yourself


Find a way to remind yourself to drink water daily. Try setting an alarm or plan to drink a glass of water before each meal. Do what you need to do to make sure you don’t forget to drink enough water. Also, do not wait until you feel thirsty because you may already be dehydrated at that point. It is important to replenish all of the water our bodies lose each day.


Making sure to drink enough water every day is a simple and healthy habit. It is extremely

important to take action in keeping your body hydrated. There are many benefits of staying hydrated. Hopefully these five tips will help you to stay hydrated every day!


~All you can do is work to become a better you~


-Sadie Wrobel


Get Your HIIT On!

Get Your HIIT On!

Everyone is always looking for a new and quick way to get the most out of their time when it comes to exercise. If it was up to me, it would be possible to get a six-pack from doing one 10 minute core workout. However,