Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 2

Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer: Part 2

A few weeks ago I started a new summer blog series called “Health and

Wellness Activities for the Summer”. Last summer one of our other bloggers, Kayla

Withrow, began a summer series and it was one of my favorites to read! This is why

I thought I would start off the same myself. Kayla also started a brand new summer

series of her own all about making your impact on summer 2022. With that being said,

make sure to click here after you finish reading this blog to get incorporated into hers as

well! In the previous blog that is a part of this series we talked about great activities you

can participate in such as hiking, going to the beach, and spring cleaning. If you are

interested in reading that blog, it is linked here. We are going to continue this list of ideas

that will make up what I like to call the “Summer Self-Care Bucket List”. As stated

before, let’s connect! Let us know on our social media platforms by tagging us if you do

any of the following activities this summer! Our Instagram is @recsports_uww. Find us

on Facebook by searching UW-Whitewater Rec Sports or by clicking here to stay

updated on all of our summer content. Now, let’s hop into a new set of ventures for

summer 2022

Health and Wellness Activities That Will Help You Stay Active This Summer:

  1. Have a Picnic

            Going on a picnic brings back a lot of nostalgia for me. I have so many

great memories going on picnics with my family and friends as a child.

Recently, I have noticed that picnics are coming back into style. This

makes me happy that the idea is not dying out, but becoming more

popular. With that being said, grab a blanket and some snacks and have

yourself a picnic! This is a great way to get yourself into the outdoors and

also relax a bit.

  1. Go on a “Hot Girl Walk”

            Now I know this term might sound strange if you have never heard it

before, but the phrase “hot girl walk” has become widely popular within the

past few months. This term refers to taking an outdoor walk while listening

to a motivational playlist or hearing an inspirational podcast. This walk can

be as short or as long as you would like it to be and it can be done solo or

with friends. All in all it really is just a fun way to get yourself outside and

excited for the day. Not only that, but walking is a simple and great way to

exercise. I always recommend a walk!

  1. Make a Summer Feel-Good Playlist

            Now, if you’re going on a “hot girl walk” you will definitely need a good

playlist to listen to. Although this activity may be time consuming for some,

you can make it your own. Also, get excited while you’re doing this for the

next time you will be able to listen to it. This activity almost seems

therapeutic to me!

  1. Go to a Local Farmers Market

            This one is pretty self explanatory. Check out your town’s farmers market!

I find this to be a fun way to try out new things and support local

businesses. You can do this by yourself for a little alone time, or you can

call a friend and bring them along with you! In my hometown Kenosha, we

like to call ours the Harbor Market because it is right on the water. It is

beautiful and one of my favorite places to be when it is warm out.

The fun does not stop here! In just a few weeks we will be releasing another blog

on an abundance of more activities for you to partake in for summer of 2022. To hold

you over until then, get acquainted with our other socials using the information listed

above. As Kayla says, remember to make your impact this summer! We are already

halfway through June!

Do not get discouraged,

Cora Shircel

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