Health and Wellness Activities for the Summer

Summer is finally here! With that being said, congratulations to all of the 2022
graduates, especially those reading who are now UW-Whitewater alumni. Now that the
school year has come to an end, summer is in full swing. Summer is a great time to
relax and recharge. This is a great way to clear your mind and finally make your mental
health a priority. Not only that, but it is an amazing time to focus on health and wellness.
Since most of us reading this are probably from Wisconsin, we are happy summer is
here because of the wonderful weather. The hot and sunny weather allows us to
participate in some great fitness activities that take place outside. In today’s blog we are
going to talk about some great ways you can stay outside and active this summer.
These activities are meant to be fun, but also challenging. With that being said, let us
know on our social media platforms by tagging us if you do any of the following activities
this summer!
Health and Wellness Activities That Will Help You Stay Active This Summer:
1. Go on a Hike
○ Hiking is great because it allows you to get out into the fresh air, get your
steps in, and maybe challenge yourself. Hiking can be done alone, with
your family, or even with friends. Find a new trail or hike an old one. Make
it as leisurely or as challenging as you want. My personal favorite place to
hike in Wisconsin in the summer is Devils Lake. It is a great family friendly
place with a lake and an abundance of hiking trails.
2. Plan a Beach Day
○ Beach days are relaxing, but also active. Going to the beach is one of my
favorite summertime activities ever because it can be done at any time of the day. Watching the sunrise or sunset at the beach is therapeutic, but going to the beach with friends allows for physical activities like volleyball or spikeball. There’s nothing like a beach day with friends to cure my mental health, personally.
3. Take a New Class
○ Like I mentioned earlier, it is always great to try something new. With this
being said, take a new class! This could range to anything from an
academic related class, to a new fitness course you haven’t done before.
4. Spring Cleaning
○ Although cleaning may not be the most fun activity for everyone, it is a
great way to get your mind off other responsibilities that may be stressing
you out. Not only that, but it is also productive work!
There are so many more activities that we could discuss that benefit not only
your physical health, but your mental health as well. Make sure to stay tuned for our
other great blogs coming soon this summer! Also, follow us on Instagram
@recsports_uww and on Facebook by searching UW-Whitewater Rec Sports or by
clicking here to stay updated on all of our summer content.
Do not get discouraged,
Cora Shircel