Stay Fit and Stay Calm
This isn’t the semester we have been hoping for Warhawks, heck this isn’t the way any of us saw 2020 going. Life works in mysterious ways and it is how we handle those ways that make us stronger. We must remember to stay calm during this time to help make the best out of the situation. Below are ways to help you stay fit, calm, cool and collected during this pandemic.
1. Focus on what has not changed in your life. When you feel like everything has been taken away from you, list 3-5 things in your life that you still have that hasn’t changed. Focus on the good, not the bad.
2. Worried about the unknown? List a couple of events in your life that you walked into the unknown and came out of it better than ever. Remind yourself that there is an end in sight.
3. Create or work on a project to help pass the time. Start a puzzle, learn something new, paint or draw a picture or start something you enjoy to help keep your mind focused on the project rather than the pandemic.
4. Step away from your phone. Leave your devices in another room while doing another activity to separate yourself from all the news going on around you.
5. Give yourself a break. When having nothing but time to do, we feel this pressure to complete so many tasks in order to make the time pass. Make sure you give yourself an hour a day at least to relax and unwind.
6. Now that we are getting nice weather, head outside to go on walks, runs, yoga, or any outdoor activity that you enjoy to help soak up the sun and feel positive.
7. Try meditation and mindfulness. Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics is releasing a meditation Vlog and audio files with Jenna Norris, certified group fitness instructor who teaches Yoga, PiYo, Meditation and Core 360. These meditation and yoga videos can help you relax and destress during this stressful time.
8. Now that gyms and facilities are closed, try working out at home. Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics has released a 14 day quarantine challenge of strength, cardio, below the belt, yoga, meditation, 360 and a Personal Training six day split videos with all of your favorite Warhawk Fitness certified group fitness instructors.

I am sure that there are many more ways to help stay calm during this pandemic and these are just a few. Continue to do your daily routine as if nothing has changed. This will be over soon so right now we just need to make the best out of this situation. Stay fit and stay calm, Warhawks. We can get through this!
Start Strong, Finish Stronger
Emma O’Connor